Boot Camp - Fox
Hey, I just seen a commerical for a new show on Fox coming. Sort of like Survivor, but you are in a boot camp. Drill sergants yelling in your face and stuff. I am a little drunk, but it looked far...
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actually he is signed up for combat missions here is some info on Boot Camp boot camp
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The Drill Instructor on the Boot Camp commerical tells a guy doing push ups "Save the drama for your momma". It should have some good moments. ____________________ Main Entry: 1 wick·ed Pronunciation:...
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We need at least a little bit of vvicked around, and since I'm (SmellyKimmi) in this thread, what's the harm in keeping it around for a bit?Chauncey
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Hey Vvicked Where are you from? I've seen Bootcamp and it was over more than 3 months ago.
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Chauncey... ...funniest posts ever. havent laughed this hard since I first read this thread 6 months ago.Gregbuisisadick...the reason SGT, kuchabiter, madwomen, dingoes and mickey all left hobietopia
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Archaeologist's note: This thread has moved more than than Weezie Jefferson. It is truly a (an? MW?) historic relic of this board. Now it snuggles in with its fellow Monsters, never needing to fear...
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Can anyone get vvicked back here? I just clicked on his profile and found some other board he is posting at now. This is the kind of stuff we are missing (I felt the need to edit out a slur against...
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it is the eternal warrior board. AFM found it. Funny shit. I dont think chauncey has ever posted there though.
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This shit was entertaining back in the day. (And don't give me shit that I wasn't around then 'cause I was.) I admit vviCKed was a major draw at the time. But it's like having pancakes for breakfast...
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I do so miss Private Yaney, a.k.a. BalloonBoy. He was like my very own Gomer Pile. "Little Lisa makes Little Debbie look like a pile of puke."
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I saw him on a dating show a few months ago. Never guess what he busted out. That's right... Balloon animals. His date was less than impressed.
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Fox Reality is replaying Boot Camp.... I forgot how hot recruit Moretty (the girl) was. In and out of commercials, they are showing some of them today, commenting on the old show... Moretty is still...
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